Chiropractic Care and Tension Headaches:
Increasing joint mobility in the cervical spine and flexibility in the neck to relieve tension is a critical component in treating tension type headaches. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, several clinical trials indicate that spinal manipulation therapy is an effective treatment for tension headaches. When compared to prescription medication, The benefits of spinal manipulation lasted longer, had less side effects, and patients still showed improvement after one month followup without care. Another study found a 50% reduction of headache severity after a single session of spinal manipulation.
At Chicago InHealth Center, our doctors have extensive training at performing safe, gentle joint mobilizations aimed at reducing pain and dysfunction associated with tension headaches. For patients who are uncomfortable with spinal manipulation, other effective treatment options are available at the clinic that are just as effective. Many times a combination of different therapies are recommended to achieve the fastest and most affective results. Acupuncture is also available at the clinic for targeting specific areas of the neck and head for quickly reducing tension buildup in these areas.
Active Release Techniques , Graston Techniques, and clinical massage are often used to quickly release muscle tension and myofascial restrictions in the head and neck. Patients who are candidates for these therapies ofter experience a release of symptoms during the treatment and improvements are usually permanent.